A tribute to the music of Robert Jager


The School of Music at Tennessee Tech will present a special music program on Wednesday, April the 14th honoring the music of retired TTU Professor Robert Jager. In a “Tribute to the Music of Robert Jager” the Tuba/Euphonium Studio has prepared a program representative of some of the compositions Professor Jager created over the years he was on the faculty at TTU. During his thirty-year tenure at TTU, from 1971 to 2001, in addition to his many other award- winning compositions, influenced by his friendship with Professor Winston Morris, the tuba instructor at TTU, he felt motivated to and was commissioned to create many major works for the low brass instruments. The performance will consist of several major concertos accompanied by Kanako Reames on piano. The concert is free and is open to the public with limited seating at 7:30 p.m. in the Wattenbarger Auditorium of the Bryan Fine Arts Building on the TTU campus. The program will also be live streamed and available through the School of Music Website.