Films on Demand Ending; AVON Now Available


We have made a change in our library video collections:

    • Effective immediately, we have access to AVON (Academic Video Online) via our Databases A-Z list:

Access to Films on Demand (FOD) ends October 30, 2021.

AVON is a collection of over 66,000 videos across multiple disciplines.  It is searchable and browsable with filters for subject, publisher, language, release date, etc.  AVON content is also discoverable in EagleSearch. We made this change because FOD usage has been declining, and AVON has more titles.

If you use a FOD video in your class, you will have access only until October 30, 2021. Check AVON for the same video or an alternative to use instead.  You may also look in Kanopy and request that we purchase a video at $150 for one year of access, but please check AVON before requesting a Kanopy video to avoid duplication.  Contact Sharon Holderman if you have any questions!