Call for Nominations for the General Education Teaching Award 2020-2021


Call for Nominations for General Education Award 2020-2021

This teaching award recognizes outstanding teaching in general education courses—1000- and 2000-level courses that fulfill general education requirements in Communication, History, Humanities/Fine Arts, Math, Natural Sciences, and Social/Behavioral Sciences.  Eligible nominees are currently full-time or part-time faculty members, instructors, or graduate teaching assistants who have taught general education courses at Tech for at least the past two full semesters. Each nominee will be contacted to submit additional application material. Each of the two winners will receive a cash award and a plaque.  Any student, faculty member, administrator, or recent graduate may nominate an outstanding teacher of general-education courses by submitting a letter of nomination that must be received by Wednesday, February 24, 2021, in print or via email, and addressed to:  Linda Null, Chair, General Education Awards Committee;; Campus Box 5053.