Pre-Proposals for NSF Major Research Instrumentation funding due November 13


Reminder: Pre-proposals for NSF’s Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) funding program must be submitted as a single PDF document via the Office of Research email ( by noon, Fri., Nov. 13.  This program supports the acquisition or development of a multi-user research instrument.

Tennessee Tech may submit or be included as a significantly funded subawardee in no more than two (2) Track 1 MRI proposals (requesting more than or equal to $100,000 and less than $1 million in funding) and no more than one (1) Track 2 MRI proposal (requesting more than or equal to $1 million and up to and including $4 million in funding). Therefore, a pre‐proposal is required to be submitted by all interested faculty and an internal review conducted to determine which proposals will be submitted to NSF. Note: Since inclusion as a subawardee count against these limits, contact the Office of Research if you plan to be a subawardee on another institution’s submission.

Visit for more information and pre-proposal guidelines.