Deadline for submission of ORAU Ralph E. Powe Awards is Noon Fri., Dec. 4


The deadline for submission of ORAU Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Awards application materials for internal review is noon, Fri., Dec. 4. Full-time assistant professors within two years of their initial tenure track appointment (01/06/2019 – 01/06/2021) are eligible for these $5,000, one-year, grants. Research projects must fall within one of the following five disciplines: Engineering and Applied Science; Life Sciences; Mathematics/Computer Sciences; Physical Sciences; and Policy, Management, or Education. Full details about the requirements can be found on the funding program website. 

The application package should contain a one-page abbreviated resume, one-page listing of publications and/or presentations, and two-page research proposal and must be submitted to the Office of Research via An internal review will be conducted and two submissions will be selected for submission. 

Selected faculty will be notified on Dec. 14 and the final deadline for application to ORAU is Jan. 6, 2021.