We Need Your Feedback on Housing & Dining


Dear Tennessee Tech Community Member:

We need you to tell us what you think.

Tennessee Tech is assessing ways to further improve its student housing and dining. One of the key components of this undertaking is to learn about your housing preferences to better meet your needs and those of future TTU students. Your participation in these conversations is vital to the success of our efforts.


Snacks and beverages provided!


Focus group sessions will be held on Wednesday, February 12th at the following times and location:

Focus Group Sessions
Date & Time

Students Who Live Off-Campus
Wednesday, 02/12 • 4:15 pm • RUC Tech Pride Room

Students Who Live On-Campus
Wednesday, 02/12 • 5 pm • Pinkerton Hall 1st Floor Classroom


Each session will require one hour. All information that you provide is strictly confidential. No individual responses will be identified. Should you have any questions about this process, please contact kdemeri@tntech.edu.

I greatly appreciate your taking the time to participate in this important project for Tennessee Tech.



Kerri Demeri

Director, Auxiliary Services

Tennessee Tech University