Reserve your faculty/staff parking permit for 2020-2021 now


All Tennessee Tech full-time benefited employees will be able to reserve parking permits for the 2020-2021 (FY21) year beginning today, June 1, 2020. Please read through this information carefully before making your online permit reservation.

Types of permits

There are two designations of parking permits available to university employees: gold and purple.

  • Gold permits allow individuals to park in any lot zoned for gold permit holders. These lots provide the closest parking to university buildings and the permits are priced at a premium level, $265 for faculty/administration and $235 for staff (C&S). Gold permit holders may also park in any lot zoned red or purple.
  • Purple permits allow individuals to park in any lot zoned for purple permit holders. These lots are less centrally located, resulting in a more value-priced option, $179 for faculty/administration and $149 for staff (C&S).

Payment options

Employees making an online selection will authorize payroll deductions for the parking permit. Payroll deductions will be split into two payments occurring in September and February. You must make your permit reservation before August 31, 2020, in order to utilize payroll deduction. Permits reserved after 4:30 p.m. on August 31 must be paid for in-full at the Parking and Transportation Services office.

Employees who wish to pay using a personal check or credit card may make their selection at the Parking and Transportation Services office in the Roaden University Center. Full payment for these payment methods is required at the time of selection.  Permits will not be available to purchase in person until July 20.

Parking subsidy

Any benefited employee who earns less than $30,000 annually (gross) will be eligible for a $93 parking supplement for the purple lot only, provided that you make your selection online during the enrollment period and agree to payroll deduction. You will receive the supplement in September and February. The supplement is not available for the gold lot. If you elect the gold lot, you will be required to pay the full cost of $235 (C&S) or $265 (Administrative/Faculty).

Disabled parking permit

All university employees who have state-issued disabled placards or permanent plates may obtain a special disabled parking permit. These permits are available to qualified employees at the rate of $149. Proof of disability placard is required in order to purchase a disabled parking permit. Visit the Parking and Transportation Services website for more information on disabled parking permits.

Part-time, temporary employees, adjunct faculty

Part-time employees, temporary employees and adjunct faculty will be eligible to obtain parking permits on or after July 20, 2020. More information on permits for these individuals is available on the Parking and Transportation Services website.

Online permit reservations opens today, Monday, June 1

The online website to reserve parking permits is available now (beginning at 8 a.m. on Monday, June 1). Only full-time, benefited employees will be allowed to make permit reservations online at this time.

To reserve your permit, go to the dedicated parking services website at Select “Get Permits” to reserve a parking permit. You will log into the site using your Tech credentials.

The website is easy to use, but for detailed, step-by-step instructions, visit the Parking and Transportation Services website at

Permit pickup

Parking permits will be sent through campus mail beginning late July. You may begin displaying your FY21 permit immediately after you receive it.