Drive Thru Drop-off Holiday Food Drive


The National Society of Black Engineers has joined the annual efforts of the Food, Nutrition and Dietetics Club and the Campus Food Pantry in order to provide more holiday food baskets this year. We predict that there will be more folks in need this year than in years past. The first event, kicking off the Holiday Food Basket Project, will be Thursday, October 8, 2020. From 4pm – 6pm you can bring your items you want to donate and we will pick them up, curbside, at the campus food pantry. Tech Village 910 N. Willow Ave., Cookeville, TN 38501. This first drive thru drop-off will be hosted by NSBE. Keep an eye out for the next event toward the end of the month being hosted by the Food, Nutrition and Dietetics Club.

Items being collected: mashed potatoes, stuffing mix, gravy mix, corn bread mix, canned sweet potatoes, green beans, corn, and other canned veggies, cranberry sauce, pineapples, cream of mushroom or chicken, cake and brownie mixes, pie filling and pie crusts, salt/pepper packets, and other items you would expect to see on a holiday food table.


More information to come about how you can sponsor a ham or turkey for the baskets.