AAUP chapter will meet on October 1 at 11 a.m.


Tennessee Tech’s chapter of AAUP will hold its next meeting at 11 a.m. Thursday, Oct. 1  via Zoom.  All are welcome to attend the meeting.   Previous members are encouraged to renew and non-members are invited to join our chapter.  For more information or questions, please contact Chapter President Elizabeth Propes (History) at epropes@tntech.edu (or, if preferred elizabethpropes1870@gmail.com ) or Chapter Vice-President Dr. Josie McQuail (English) at jmcquail@tntech.edu       Zoom link:  https://tntech.zoom.us/j/97094001601?pwd=dENSeVlBUG1uSVpYbEVzWUdpb2YvQT09.