Nursing Home Stocking Stuffer Drive- Donate Until Dec. 4th

Spread some Christmas Cheer & Give to our NHC Neighbors this Year!

The College of Education presents: Project Christmas- an amazing opportunity to give to nursing home residents in our community! During these difficult times, many nursing home residents do not get the opportunity to receive the love they normally would. So, the College of Education is giving YOU a chance to give them love this Christmas!

The goal: Make as many care packages as possible.

Destination: NHC Nursing home residents.

Needed Items:  Cross word puzzles, colored pencils, adult coloring books, pre-packaged candy or snacks, chap stick, travel size hand lotion, body wash, no-slip fuzzy socks, and any other loving stocking stuffers!

Drop off Locations: College of Education Student Success Center, Mem Gym Lobby, TJ Farr Lobby, & Jeffers Learning Resource Center.

When: NOW – Dec. 4th! So let’s fill our NHC neighbors with love this Christmas!

“Christmas is the Spirit of Giving without a thought of getting.” – Thomas Monson