Volunteers Needed for PPE Distribution


If you are interested in volunteering to help distribute PPE on campus to students and your department will approve you to help, please sign up here: https://signup.com/go/xnAjErL

Masks, along with personal bottles of hand sanitizer, will be distributed on:
• Thursday, Aug. 20
• Friday, Aug. 21
• Monday, Aug. 24 (first day of classes)

The following distribution centers will be located across campus to provide easy access to students:
• Memorial Gym
• Roaden University Center Multipurpose Room
• Volpe Library, Information Desk
• Hooper Eblen Center Concourse
• Bryan Fine Arts Lobby

Queues at the distribution sites should incorporate proper social distancing (6 feet apart).
Distributors will be expected to wear masks during their volunteer shift.
Questions? Contact Michelle Huddleston (6120) or Dan Warren (3407)