Virtual Employer Spotlight featuring Tennessee State Parks – Nov. 16 and 17


Virtual Employer Spotlight featuring the Tennessee State Parks will host Session #1 on Monday, Nov. 16 from 3-4 pm and Session #2 on Tuesday, Nov. 17 from 11am – noon. Join recruiters as they share information about their Seasonal Interpretive Ranger positions! Seasonal Interpreter/Recreators (SIRs) provide interpretive programs for park guests such as guided tours, hikes, workshops, canoe floats, slide shows, demonstrations, campfires and other outdoor activities. They assist park rangers in the protection of natural and cultural features, and other resource management-related activities as assigned.

Want to be a step ahead? APPLY NOW for this position at:

To join Session #1 virtually, register via Handshake at

To join Session #2 virtual, register via Handshake at

Virtual Employer Spotlights are hosted by the Center for Career Development.