Strangle Tales from the Periodic Table: The Disappearing Spoon Webinar- Oct 22


Join the Student Members of the American Chemical Society as we continue our National Chemistry Week celebration and watch the “Strangle Tales from the Periodic Table: The Disappearing Spoon” webinar on Thursday, Oct. 22 at 5:30 pm in Foster 233. Bestselling author Sam Kean tells stories about elements, including the connection between mercury and Lewis and Clark, why aluminum was once the most precious substance on earth, and how the periodic table became a new theater for the Cold War. Snacks and drinks will be provided and a copy of the Disappearing Spoon book will be raffled off to attendees. A Zoom option is available if you would like to join us virtually (email for the link). The event will follow all university and CDC guidelines for in-person gatherings. We hope to see you there!