Research Panel: Using Spatial Data to Understand the COVID-19 Pandemic


Please join the Department of Earth Sciences and GeoClub this Thursday for a research panel: Using Spatial Data to Understand the COVID-19 Pandemic. The hour will consist of two short talks followed by an open panel discussion. Elizabeth Zizzamia, the geospatial analyst behind the Virginia state COVID-19 dashboard (University of Richmond), will speak first about Geovisualization in the time of Coronavirus. Then, TTU alumni Natalie Robbins will present her work on Visualizing the Spread of COVID-19 in Tennessee. Natalie graduated from the Professional Science Masters (PSM) program in 2019 and now works with the Vanderbilt Initiative for Interdisciplinary Geospatial Research.

This will be a live Zoom panel from 11am-12pm on Thursday, October 22nd. To join the session, use Zoom meeting ID 946 334 5266 with the passcode Limestone.