Peer Empowerment Program Information Session – Don’t we all need a PEP Talk?


Are you passionate about equality and ending sexual violence? (Shouldn’t we ALL be passionate about creating a safer campus?)

If so, PEP may be the right student organization for you! PEP (The Peer Empowerment Program) is hosting an information session TODAY, Thursday, September 3rd at 4 PM via Zoom. In this half-hour meeting, you’ll learn about PEP and how to become a peer educator. PEPs host awareness events, educational programs, and outreach all about campus safety! We believe everyone has a right to feel safe and welcome on our campus, free from sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking. Join us in making a significant difference!

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 984 2089 0944

Password: 091191

If this date does not work for you, save the date for our other session on Wednesday, 9/9 at 2 PM