Five May 2020 TN Tech Graduates Earn the I&E Certificate


Congratulations to students Jordan Barnett (Nursing, Erin Guenther (Nursing), Shelley Edwards (Chemical Engineering), Cody Bowerman (Chemical Engineering), and Amy Tribble (Nursing) for earning the Innovation and Entrepreneurship (I&E) Certificate. The I&E certificate is an interdisciplinary program of study focused on providing each student with the opportunity to develop innovation and entrepreneurship skills through problem solving, creativity, working with a team, and practicing effective strategies for meeting needs within the increasingly competitive global marketplace. As Dr. Melissa Geist states, “Earning the I &E Certificate is a testament to the students’ dedication during their academic careers here at Tech. By immersing in the I&E ecosystem, they leave Tech with the traits employers want. Finding opportunities and pursuing creative solutions now comes naturally to these students!” Wings up, I&E students! Follow this link to learn more.