Engineering Fair is this Thursday, Mar. 5 at the HOOP


Join the Center for Career Development on Thursday, Mar. 5, from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. in the Hooper Eblen Center for the Engineering Career Fair. Over 160 employers will be in attendance seeking students from all majors for co-op, internship, and full-time opportunities! All majors are invited to participate and discuss your career interests with employers.

If you have not downloaded the Career Fair Plus app for your phone, now is the time to do this!  You can see all employers, filter based on the type position you are seeking PLUS see exactly where they are located on the fair map!

Students should come dressed to impress, bring plenty of resumes, and have their Eagle Card on hand to obtain a personalized name tag. This event counts toward Career Readiness Certification.

Please enter the HOOP using the tunnel entrance on McGee Blvd.

Career Fairs are a NO BACKPACK Zone. Please leave your backpack in your car or room.

Open to ALL students, ALL majors – freshman to alumni.

Career Fairs are hosted by the Center for Career Development. | 931-372-3232