“Be Well” A Virtual Wellness Event with Cheya Thousand on October 22nd


The Office of Multicultural Affairs, the Counseling Center, and Residential Life will be hosting a “Be Well” Virtual Event with Ms. Cheya Thousand on Thursday, October 22nd at 11 am. We will have the event live streamed in Derryberry Hall for a Lunch and Learn Wellness Event or you can use the Zoom Link below.
Join us and Cheya Thousand on October 22nd! For questions or more information email MulticulturalAffairs@tntech.edu.

Join Zoom Meeting – Oct. 22, 2020, 11:00 am

Meeting ID: 895 3894 3348
Passcode: 475856

Cheya Thousand is a Christian Wellness Consultant + Author + Speaker + Self-Care Trainer + Certified Stress Management Educator