Human Ecology Friday Cafe Fall 2020


Friday Café is the hands-on learning experience for foods and nutrition students in Human Ecology. This fall semester students will utilize vegetables grown at Shipley Farm. Dates will be Sept 18, Sept 25, Oct 2, and Oct 9. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, Friday Café will serve only four meals this semester. All meals will be a carryout option only. There will be three time pick-up options each week (11:45 am, 12:00 pm, and 12:15 pm) with a limit of 10 meals for each time slot. Meals will be available for pickup on the front porch of Oakley Hall. Meal purchase is made through Marketplace by making prepayment by noon on Wednesday. Meal cost will be $8. Menus are posted on Marketplace and on the Human Ecology Friday Café webpage. Contact the Human Ecology office at 372-3157 with any questions.