Human Resources Training Academy: COVID-19 Training Series


Your Human Resources Training Academy is excited to announce that we have partnered with community and university partners to bring you COVID-19 focused training’s during the month of May.

May 07: Dr: Bedelia Russell:

    Healthcare Tips and Information

      This training will offer healthcare related information regarding COVID-19. Tips and safe practices will be discussed.

      (Date: TBD) Regions Bank:

        Finances in the COVID Era and Beyond

          This training will focus on how to remain financially secure during the COVID pandemic and beyond.

        May 19th: Thomas Heard:

          Transitioning Back to Work after COVID and Managing Telecommuting

            This training will focus on issues, tips, and concerns relating to telecommuting, transitioning back from telecommuting, and how to be successful in any work setting.
            • May 27th:

           John Woodard and Eric Brown:

            Cyber Security Awareness During and After COVID

              This two-part training will focus on ensuring best security practices during telecommuting and upon return to campus. Tips on safeguarding yourself will be provided.

            Additional training’s will be added during the month.

            Register Now: