Tennessee Tech Grand Challenge: Rural Reimagined Success Story with Gina Padgett


Last fall, Professional and Technical Communication Instructor Gina Padgett incorporated the Grand Challenge into her Communicating in the Professions course with flying colors. After learning about the Grand Challenge, Padgett’s students researched a real-world problem affecting people living in rural communities, critically evaluated the problem and used problem-solving skills to present a solution to the class. In addition to providing students with skills in persuasive communication, Padgett believes incorporating the Grand Challenge also “gives them the opportunity to create a solution for problems that affect people, their families, and their communities … life changing skills.” Wings up, Instructor Padgett! Stay tuned to Tech Times for upcoming faculty success stories, and contact Kinsey Potter at kbpotter42@students.tntech.edu to learn more about incorporating the Grand Challenge into your future courses.