Do you have what it takes to be a Goldwater Scholar?


Are you interested in a research career in the natural sciences, mathematics, or engineering? Or do you know a student who qualifies? In the spring 2021, the Goldwater Foundation will award scholarships covering eligible expenses for up to $7500 per year.  To be considered: you must be a current full-time Soph or Jr, intend to pursue a baccalaureate degree, have 1-2 years of undergraduate study remaining, have a B avg or equivalent, and be a US citizen or permanent resident who will pursue a research career in the natural sciences, mathematics, or engineering. More details here:

Students should contact Dr. Mary Kidd ( by 12/11 to be considered for nomination. Nominees will be selected and notified by 12/14. Application materials must be submitted for Dr. Kidd’s review by 1/22/2021 so that any changes can be made by the due date at 5:00 pm on 1/29/2021.