CAT Virtual Training Workshop


The Center for Assessment & Improvement of Learning (CAIL) and the Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning (CITL) are excited to offer a critical-thinking and real-world problem-solving workshop at Tennessee Tech University July 22nd & 23rd  to kick-off our Authentic Assessment Academic Learning Community (ALC). This 2 half-day virtual workshop is based around the Critical-thinking Assessment Test (CAT). The CAT was developed at TNTech with support from the National Science Foundation and is used across the country to support institutional assessment and academic research. During the first half-day workshop, we will introduce the CAT and take a look at the test and see how our TNTech students respond to critical-thinking questions. On the second half-day workshop, we will introduce critical-thinking frameworks used in the CAT, practice the development of interdisciplinary critical-thinking activities, and brainstorm/develop content specific critical-thinking activities (CAT Apps) for your courses.

Click HERE to register!