Dealing with Stress in Grad School

Feeling irritable? Performance in school slipping? Ready to just give up? Take a deep breath. You're stressed. Graduate school can be one of the most...

Essential Items to Have as a Grad Student

Gone are the days of sleeping late, partying early, and attending only half of your classes. You are now a graduate student and the...

Traveling During Grad School

If you’re a grad student, it’s easy to come up with reasons not to travel. It costs a lot (and you’re low on funds)....

Undergrad vs. Grad School

Many students begin graduate school believing that it’s basically an overgrown version of their undergraduate education. However, there are some big differences between college and...

Important Things to Know Before Starting Grad School

There are always things that students wish they had known before entering a program. Graduate school is both an incredibly challenging and rewarding time...

Financing Graduate School

Given how much of a monetary commitment graduate school is, it’s best to find as many financial resources as possible. Financing your graduate education...

Traveling During Grad School

If you’re a grad student, it’s easy to come up with reasons not to travel. It costs a lot (and you’re low on funds)....

Finding Housing in Cookeville

If you’re from out of town, it’s important to explore all of your housing options before deciding on a place to live. Luckily, Cookeville...

Fall 2017 – Spring 2018 Calendar

Fall 2017 - Spring 2018 Calendar PDF Fall 2017   Last Day for International Applicants to Apply for Fall 2017 Admissions April 1, 12am CDT Last Day for US...

Coming to Cookeville

  What Makes Cookeville Great? Many students find that after graduating from Tennessee Tech University, they want to stay in the area. But while it’s understandable...