Eagle Works: Get Your Questions Answered!


If you have questions or need assistance getting ready for Eagle Works, this is your chance! This week’s workshop is all about YOU. Come with questions about the event, your business model, presenting, mentors, or anything else you can think of! We’ll have faculty and staff on hand, as well as people from The Biz Foundry. We’ll even have some former Eagle Works winners ready to tell you what it’s like to compete!

This workshop will be Wednesday, Feb. 26, at 5 p.m. in the iMakerspace (3rd floor of Volpe Library). After 4:30, the iMakerSpace is accessible via the North Stairwell (past the myTECH Helpdesk).

For more information, go to www.tntech.edu/eagleworks or email akruszka@tntech.edu