Find out why other alumni are getting their graduate degrees from Tech

Sheryl Ransom

Sheryl Ransom
’95, MBA
’88, B.S. accounting
’85, B.S. psychology


Why come back to school?

Through my undergrad degrees, I worked the night shift as an hourly employee. I considered becoming a full-time teacher, so I got my MBA. These degrees linked me to Tech and gave me the opportunity to be an adjunct professor. The thing I love most about being an adjunct is touching the lives of our future leaders.


How has your degree helped in your profession?

My MBA gives me more credibility as a professional leader. The program gives students the chance to visualize a situation and know how to react to it, which is useful in human resources. It helped to improve my decision-making abilities.


What was the best thing about your graduate experience at TTU?

I always had this good feeling every time I walked on TTU’s campus. The students, the teachers and the guidance really helped me. I didn’t have time to spend walking around campus to get the information I needed. I could just call someone.
I was always lucky to have good groups in my courses. I still have some of those friendships.



Find out more about Tech’s College of Business MBA program at

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